Computer Lab
All the computer centers at JIMS are equipped with Pentium based Networking
System running on Windows platform. To facilitate research and development
work, computer labs with Core i3 2nd generation 2120 with 18.5 TFT’s monitor
have been installed with latest software and are linked to High-Speed
Internet Connectivity round-the-clock.
Other features added to the computer labs are:
1. Language Lab for Personality Development.
2. Access to high-speed laser printers.
3. Internet bandwidth of 4 Mbps available round the clock.
4. Wi – Fi enabled Campus.
5. The computer network is linked to all classrooms, faculty rooms and administrative blocks.
6. Latest Software’s (Windows 2003 Server, Linux SUSE, Windows 2000 Professional, Microsoft Office 2007, Trend Micro Antivirus, Acrobat Reader 10.0.
7. SPSS, Prowess, Systat, Orell Language Lab.
Other features added to the computer labs are:
1. Language Lab for Personality Development.
2. Access to high-speed laser printers.
3. Internet bandwidth of 4 Mbps available round the clock.
4. Wi – Fi enabled Campus.
5. The computer network is linked to all classrooms, faculty rooms and administrative blocks.
6. Latest Software’s (Windows 2003 Server, Linux SUSE, Windows 2000 Professional, Microsoft Office 2007, Trend Micro Antivirus, Acrobat Reader 10.0.
7. SPSS, Prowess, Systat, Orell Language Lab.